Conscious Transformation Community of Venus Rising
501 (c)3 Psycho-Spiritual Center
Relax. everything is
right on schedule.
Soulville Community has been around Stuart, Florida for a while...
started by Wendyne Limber in 1990 beginning with her private practice, Solutions Center for Personal Growth in downtown Stuart. Wendyne went on to design and be known for The Imagination Process ™ a healing and transformation - 6 month process to help people heal the past and create a new and beautiful future.
Many people joined her. Those who were ready to heal and make big life changes, those who wanted to study transpersonal work, those in pain and those ready to move toward greatness and higher consciousness. Eventually Wendyne was joined by her sister,
Petrina McGowen and incredible friend, Heartsong,
(who became a co-founder of Soulville) and then
many others....
Today SOULVILLE has become a place to
heal and transform, a place for spiritual growth,
a place to do depth healing and transformation
of old wounds...
a place to practice becoming
real, raw and joyful...
a place to learn the sacred art
of surrendering over and over
again to the unknown.
The people come and go...
heal and transform...
move on to discover the real self...
connect to community...
and LOVE.
And so it is!