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Shamanic Breathwork


The Shamanic Breathwork® Process is a power­ful heal­ing process that inspires indi­vid­u­als to

remem­ber and recon­nect with their own inner healer.


As old wounds and dysfunc­tional patterns are released and trans­formed, indi­vid­u­als begin to regain lost soul parts and remem­ber the magic of who they truly are.


Empowerment brings whole­ness and heal­ing back into their own lives, to the lives of those they love, and to the world at large. This process is highly expe­ri­en­tial and the wisdom and heal­ing gained comes from each individual's inner expe­ri­ence.


Shamanic Breathwork™ honors and blends the time­less wisdom of ancient tradi­tions with the emerg­ing new para­digm meth­ods of heal­ing and teach­ing.

It func­tions as the rain­bow bridge between these two worlds honor­ing the best of both worlds while

creat­ing a bridge for body, mind, heart, and spirit.


The Shamanic Breathwork is offered monthly in Soulville. 



Certification Mark - Purple.png

Shamanic Breathwork Practitioner

Pamela Heartsong Rigel

Pre-Registration & Payment Required

© 2020 -2030 by Sunwoman Magicmaker

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