Wendyne LimberFounder of Soulville Community - Wendyne Limber, MA, LMFT, RDT-BCT is a Marriage and Family Therapist, Registered Drama Therapist, and designer and creator of The Imagination Process™.- 21 week adventure for creating an extraordinary life!
Wendyne specializes in relationship healing & transformation from trauma, addiction and co-dependency.
sunwoman@mac.com |  Petrina McGowenPetrina McGowen, MA, LMFT, RDT – TheraPetee PLC – Soulville's Creative Arts Director - invites you to experience individual, couples or family therapy, which is focused on discovering the true and authentic you, to live healthier, happier and more passionately in the present moment of all relations!
Appointments: 772.708.2830
Blue Cross & Aetna Provider |  Pamela HeartsongPamela Heartsong Rigel is the CO-FOUNDER of Soulville Community. She is a certified Imagination Transformation
Life Coach and a Shamanic Minister through Venus Rising Institute of Shamanic Healing Arts.
Heartsong’s gift and mission is to love and guide people on their life's journey to recover the lost parts of the soul, reclaim the wounded heart and assist in the recalling of one's life mission and purpose.
iamheartsong@aol.com |